たまごセ の日記

’23年大型二輪免許取得。3地域居住 勤め人の心身ヘルシーライフ。自炊での気づき、音楽、献血、日々のこと、お得情報。早期リタイヤ後の起業構想、組織人の諸行無常、IPO、株、資産勉強、固定費削減などなど。。。誰かの役に立てるかな。。

4月スタートを振り返って Looking back on the April start

本日は2022年4月8日金曜日の夜です。今日は珍しくTVのNEWSを聞きながら執筆しております。金曜日の夜ということでお酒代わりに野菜ジュースの炭酸割を飲みながらパソコンに向かっており、この4月の1週間を振り返ってるところです。 この4月に入ってよく口にしたフレーズを思い返すと・・・ ・値上げ ・桜 ⇩ https://tamago7.work/%ef%bc%94%e6%9c%88%e3%82%b9%e3%82%bf%e3%83%bc%e3%83%88%e3%82%92%e6%8c%af%e3%82%8a%e8%bf%94%e3%81%a3%e3%81%a6/


Today is Friday evening, April 8, 2022. I am writing today, unusually, while listening to the NEWS on TV. Since it's Friday night, I'm sitting at my computer with a soda of vegetable juice instead of alcohol, and I'm reflecting on the past week of April.

Thinking back to the phrases I've uttered most often in April...

Price increase ・Cherry blossoms ・Wind chill ・Hot ・Cooler ・Earthquake ・Tired ・Show your back 

I wonder if it is the same for all of us.

What bothers me when I watch TV these days is that the announcer often blinks or makes mistakes. I am not blaming the announcers, but rather, it is the beginning of a new fiscal year and everyone is going through a lot of changes at a rapid pace. I am sure that this is the case. I imagine that the announcers, who are professionals in the field of language, must be carrying a lot of psychological load.

I feel like I've reached the end of my work week, so tomorrow I'm going out on the train for the first time in a while. I've been cooped up at home for a while, so I'm going to go for a walk and get my body's energy going.